PsyBrain Lab
PsyBrain Lab
News and Events
Mieke Verfaellie
Recovery, long-term cognitive outcome and quality of life following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Cognitive and functional outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest
Identifying objects impairs knowledge of other objects: A relearning explanation for the neural repetition effect
Distinct hippocampal regions make unique contributions to relational memory
Prefrontal contributions to rule-based and information-integration category learning
Patterns of autobiographical memory loss in medial-temporal lobe amnesic patients
Item to decision mapping in rapid response learning
Role of the medial temporal lobes in relational memory: neuropsychological evidence from a cued recognition paradigm
Rapid response learning in amnesia: Delineating associative learning components in repetition priming
Visual antipriming: Evidence for ongoing adjustments of superimposed visual object representations
The role of VMPC in metamemorial judgments of content retrievability
A critical role for the anterior hippocampus in relational memory: evidence from an fMRI study comparing associative and item recognition
A role for right medial prefrontal cortex in accurate feeling-of-knowing judgments: Evidence from patients with lesions to frontal cortex
Cortical activity reductions during repetition priming can result from rapid response learning
Cortical activity reductions during repetition priming can result from rapid response learning